If you made a mistake would you own up to it?
Trust me, I spend a significant portion of my time apologizing for the many goofs I create.
Everyone makes a mistake at least once in a while.
Yes, even you.
Especially me!
Especially me!
It is an inherit part of being human.
I get that.
However, if you do something wrong and then pretend it never happened, that makes you less than human.
Part of helping our children to be good, trustworthy, responsible, and respectable people is to teach them -- not only by what you say but also by what you do (or don't do).
Someone at our wonderful dance class "took" R's favorite pink fleece jacket
(see the previous entry for photos of said jacket).
If it had been accidental, all would be forgiven.
But this item was not taken in place of another.
There was no forgotten coat left behind in her jacket's place.
And if you "take" a child's coat, would it not occur to you that a child would then have no coat to wear home?!
Would it also not occur to you that the name inside the jacket was not your child's name?
And a week+ later, no sight of the beloved jacket.
If your child came home with someone else's anything, would you let her keep it?
If you made a mistake, would you try to make it right?
If you made a mistake, would you try to make it right?