Friday, January 8, 2010

A New Year's Commitment That Can and Will Be Kept!!

Every year I torture myself about how "this will be the year that...."   Well, every year I disappoint myself with failure.

This year my poor old self-esteem simply cannot take any more.  So....I have decided to perhaps scale back my aspirations in an attempt to build a more positive self-image. And, if by some incredible gift from Above, I actually accomplish something great (you know, fit those old able to pay the oil a better mom), it will simply be icing on my cake!

So my mini-resolution is to.....keep my darn kitchen counter clean!!!   No crafty bits....well, you get the idea. Perhaps it sounds like too small of a challenge but...have you ever seen my countertops?  I'm quite sure Martha Stewart would faint and those who know me also know how I want to be just like her.  I have come to the conclusion that when your surroundings are uncluttered so, too, is your mind and life.

Here is my new daily goal.  Wish me luck!

By the way, we did not choose the blue countertop. It was here when we moved in and rather than put in new ($$$) we have chosen to embrace it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer! I'm Karen C's sister, of Poppyprintcreates. She told me about your beautiful ballet dolls and sent me a link to your sweet blog. Way to go! I'm also fairly new to blogging and am loving the connections to other like-minded gals the world over. With your permission, I'd post a photo of your ballet dolls and introduce you to my bloggy friends. Let me know if that's okay. BTW, love your goal for 2010...I especially love how you've stuck the kleenex box under the cupboard to get it off the counter!!!
