Saturday, February 27, 2010

Recycling for Fashion

Do you ever regret teaching your kids something?

Once you tell them something, you can't "un-tell" it.

That's the lesson for today, Family
(and other readers -- are there really any readers out there in cyberland?).

My "pretty hoarding"  (see February 11  entry) and the lesson of the importance of recycling have come to haunt me.

Well, not haunt.  More like a project that didn't sound fun to me but was super-important to the princess-of-the-house (no, not Art, ha ha).

I couldn't part with the princess' tights from kindergarten and she felt great need to re-purpose them, so....

Can you guess what they became?

Isn't it obvious?

Kindergarten tights became preteen, fashion-savvy


version 1

version 2

Ta - da!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So much wishing, so little action

When you have plans of accomplishing so many things do you sometimes just end up accomplishing nothing?

This is that day for me.

I have an actual list of things I want to do.


Perhaps if I look at something I already did that was fun....

A little tooth fairy pillow for a dear little girl.

Oh, well.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!

Friday, February 12, 2010

I Am So Lucky

I have the greatest auntie ever.

My wonderful Aunt Phyllie.

Otherwise known as Nanny at our house.

She doesn't have to be so good to us but she is and we are so very thankful.

She has lots going on with all her kiddies and their kiddies, too.

But she and my equally super Uncle 'Den (known at our house as Grampy) have included us.

And that feels so good.

Nanny's birthday was a short while ago but her present only was received today (I know, I know -- but I swear I didn't forget).

I always want to do something special for her  --  but I made that handmade pledge to myself, so what to do?

Finally decided on these little goodies.

Got this idea from Made With Love and Glue.

We love you, Nanny!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Is It Recycling or Is It Hoarding?

Another of my latest obsessions is Hoarders on A&E.

I would watch it all day, every day.

I don't know if it's because I am interested to know why these people have such connection to seemingly unimportant items.  (In case you didn't know, I am fascinated with understanding why people do what they do even though it creates havoc in their lives.)

Perhaps I love this show because my anal retentive personality is chomping at the bit to gather up all the mess and put it all in perfectly labelled see-through totes.  (My heart feels giddy at that thought!  Sad, isn't it?)

And maybe I love this show because I , despite being 95% anal, can empathize. 

Just "getting rid" of stuff is sometimes really difficult. Stuff has memories attached; sometimes good, sometimes bad -- but memories nonetheless.

Maybe I am a hoarder, just like those people on the show.

Maybe my need to organize is just "pretty hoarding."

So, let me show you how I justified not getting rid of some of R's old jammies.

They were just so cute and I had such happy memories of her in them that I just had to come up with a way to hold on to them.

So I cut and pinned and sewed and..... winter scarves!

Did I do a good thing, recycling?

Or is this just pretty hoarding?

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We All Have Our Issues

As I mentioned on Monday, I am committed to handmade.

Maybe committed is the wrong word.

Can you say "addicted?"

That's me!

If I see something cute, then I find myself dreaming up a reason to give it a try. 

No real need to do it; just my ever-growing addiction requiring attention!

I saw little ballerina valentine cards at -- they were just so cute I talked Rachel into letting me make them for her to take to her Ballet class (apparently the last year for this --"I'm too old for this stuff, Mom.").

But aren't they cute?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day, Class 3A !!!!!

I have made a little mini-vow to do things handmade. 

To make goodies instead of buying them. 


Well, first because I think it's cheaper (I am sure in many instances it might not actually be so). 

Second, because I love handmade things -- I love knowing that someone took the time and effort to make something special and wonderful.

Third, because I want to know that when I see some spectacular creation that I can look at said creation and confidently say (to myself!)  "I can do that!"

I guess no. 3 is really the main reason I am going the handmade route.

It's all about the self-esteem -- how to get, how to build it, how to keep it moving in a positive direction.

We all just want to feel good about ourselves, about the choices we make, and how we live everyday. comes Valentine's Day. How do you do handmade for your child's school celebration?  So many of us have learned that something packaged from a store is better.  But is it?

Little Miss Rachel found these "really cool" iCarly valentine cards at the store. "Oh, these are great, Mom."
"But I thought we were making Valentines for your class."

Is it wrong to push your values on to your child?  Is it really pushing? Or is it a teaching moment?

I don't know.

I just want her to know that she can create... that she can create wonders...that she can be proud and amazed at what her efforts brought forth...that she can create a positive self-worth from what she did herself.

There is sooo much stuff out there  (and goodness knows, there is a lot of stuff in here, too). 

I just want her to learn how to value what is around her.

So, sorry iCarly (is it wrong that I really like that show?).
We did it ourselves this year.

The beginning...

The results!

Thank you to!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Let The Valentine Celebrations Begin

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a gift for wasting whole days dreaming of what could be -- only to be met with the few aspirations actually achieved.

Every year, I think I will get ahead of each holiday celebration and actually be prepared for when the day arrives.  Alas, yet another dream.

But this is the year!  I am going to make it happen!  I am going to make myself proud! 

Well,....we'll see.